Besides swimming water-lover children may choose another sport in Katinka Hosszú’s club and swim school. Water polo prep course will soon start in Iron Swim.
Trainings will take place in Duna Arena (1138 Budapest, Népfürdő u. 36.) three times a week, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday late afternoon held by Nóra Debreceni, educated water polo coach and international referee.
‘Water polo is a beautiful, but hard and difficult sport’ Nora said. ‘Since it is a team sport, friendships can be formed between the kids, a kind of community forms, where members do everything for each other in and outside the water, too. I started water polo at the age of 10 and due to my body structure, I primarily played in a playmaker position. In water polo not only physical strength can prevail, if somebody understands the game and sees well in the water, they can also find their place in this sport. The Hungarians were always famous for their technical play, we could perform and learn things that nobody had ever done before. The recent changes in rules also emphasize technical and quick play.’
Level test is required before the course. Level test: on 21-22 and 24 January, pm in Duna Arena.
‘Certainly, swimming is a must’ confirmed Nora. ‘But there are a lot of elements that are also necessary for water polo, such as moves in water, orientation, stop, ball handling and proper kicks. In the prep course I would like to teach these important and basic elements for the kids.’
Girls and boys of 7-10 years old are welcome, please send your registration to email address! If you have any questions, you can contact Nóra Debreceni on 30-514-7969 phone number as well!