First course of Iron Swim School is about to close. During the past three months nearly 500 kids and adults got acquainted with the basic elements of swimming or fine-tuned their already existed knowledge to be able to continue either in recreational or competitive sport according to their personal goal.
‘In our school there are group and private lessons for kids and adult as well’ said Bernadett Henk, Iron Swim School manager. ‘We classify the kids into 5 different classes and all families may decide how many lessons, when and at whom they take for their children according to their needs, goals and everyday routine. Thanks to our online system either booking, payment or modifying lessons are all can be done very easily, and parents may also monitor online their kids’ improvement based on the special criteria. We have group lessons for adults, too, but both adults and kids can take private lessons as well, it they fit better to their needs.’
In January another 3-month course will start, so anyone can join our school, who put off swimming until now, or just got to like our school and are planning to continue swimming in Iron Swim School. A free swimming test is required to start the lessons that you can already book the date for. You can read about our instructors on our website and when you have registered, you can get all important information about the lessons via our inner newsfeed.
We are looking forward to seeing you in our school and until then we wish you merry Christmas full of sport!