Mexican Power, Serbian Passion and Algerian Beauty – three foreign swimmers who train here or even coach here. They are funny, but committed, have fun together, but fight against each other, too. All three will be there at the Hungarian Nationals representing Iron Swim Budapest.
‘It is a good experience with the team, the first competition for the whole team’ said Joe, alias Jaouad Syoud, Katinka’s training partner. ‘I feel better and better, since I started to train with Árpi a month ago. The Hungarian Nationals will be a good test to try things what we do in practices. Árpi can see them in a competition, find out the problems to be better afterwards. I know it is just the beginning, so we have a lot of things to work on yet.’
’ I will take it easy and just go with the flow’ smiled Lazar Zlatic, the Serbian coach and swimmer of Iron Swim Budapest. ‘I am just joking… It is a good competition, Hungary has a lot of swimmers, it is very competitive. It is a perfect competition to do good races and swim good times. I would like to swim a PB in 100 back or close to it.’
‘I would like to swim my PBs in my events’ started Erwin Guillen, the Mexican swimmer, who trains in Iron Swim Budapest. ‘But the most important for me is 100 free, because I would like to swim the mark for the Olympic Games.’
Besides the main issues they have their ‘own special goals’, too.
‘We will have a special race with Lazar to see who is better in 50 fly. It is about pride. Serbia vs Mexico. Why 50 fly? In other events I am better and in 50 fly we have approximately the same times. This is my worst event’ Erwin commented with a huge smile.
‘In 50 fly with Mexican Power we have a special dual, it will be the highlight of the Hungarian Nationals for us. And by the way, 50 fly is something that I never swim’ added Lazar.
And Joe did not want to stay out of the special events: ‘We also have a bet with Katka for the whole competition. If I lose, I will lose my hair.’